Tuesday 20 November 2012


For those who wished to view and read all of Daniel’s articles (and GW Hardin’s commentary, here they are, collected, all in one place, and the links to those articles below (as pdf files). 

Here’s insider Daniel’s latest papers on ETs and EDs. If you have questions Soldierhugs.com and Daniel have setup a forum where he can answer your questions: http://www.soldierhugs.com/forum/ 

( as per DAVID WILCOCK latest post )


This is not going to be a paper on “who’s who” and “what’s that.” There is already plenty of information available on the various species of extra-dimensional and extraterrestrial entities. 

So rather than who or what they are, this paper focuses on why they are, a somewhat unexplored area that resulted from working with dimensional equations on Phoenix III. Namely:

1. The structure of extra-dimensional life, discussing the concepts of dimension and density that define our biological structure here on Earth, projecting forward into higher dimensions.

2. How to interact with extraterrestrials, given the vast differences between us, physically, psychologically, intellectually and emotionally, even if we are of the same density.

3. The next stage of mankind, ascension to extra-dimensional status—what is going to happen when we take our next evolutionary step.

These are listed in alphabetical order. 

Daniel, “Extra Dimensional and Extra Terrestrial Entities”: http://tinyurl.com/c5fgac7

Daniel, “Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP,World Orders, Time Lines and Ascension”: http://tinyurl.com/col8s88

Daniel, “The Uncommitted Investigator”: http://tinyurl.com/c2nzh6v

Daniel, “Time and Timelines”: http://tinyurl.com/cm3nh3t

GW Hardin, “The DNA Tesseract”: http://tinyurl.com/c9rou7x

GW Hardin, “Timeless Comments on Timelines”: http://tinyurl.com/cz777ce

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