Sunday 29 June 2014


From Croatia With Love

Ines Radman
Just someone seeking truth and sharing with those that are seeking the same

Behold the winged disc symbol
of the Sumerian Anunnaki



Now have a look at one of the signs at James Gilliland’s ECETI Ranch…



…They’ve added a heart to the symbol.

I guess our slavemasters love us now, eh?

There’s one specific monk who frequents ECETI Ranch and is known as “Master Kan.” Unfortunately, the photographs produced by Kan are obvious fakes generated by photographic tricks such as overexposure, underexposure, taking photos out of focus, and taking long-exposure shots.

An example of Kan’s photographic trickery can be found in this video, in which Gilliland shows a slide of Kan “shifting out” during a meditation…



To give some even clearer examples of their photographic fraud, though, go to this page on ECETI’s website. On it, they display pictures which are purported to show entities appearing at the Ranch. In reality, these photos are actually out-of-focus shots of paintings of the entities.

Take this series of Mother Mary, for example…



They did a similar thing with Quan Yin…



…you’ll see that it is a photo of this undegraded painting of her found on the net…



…just match up the curves in her dress and in the wispy clouds.


He continues…

“The more good news is that the Council, the Supreme Council, is returning. As I said, they are extremely evolved.”

So a council of beings who call themselves “supreme” is coming to Earth? That fills me with warm and fuzzy feelings… not. If they are indeed coming, I invite them to pick up their bad apples and their bloodlines and get the hell off our planet.




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