Friday 20 June 2014



During the late 1930′s the German Reichsfuhrer, Heinrich Himmler, learned of the existence of the ancient manuscript known as the Lebor Feasa Runda that had been recorded in an Old Irish text known as the Black Book of Loughcrew, which had been brought to Prague in the 1580′s by the English occultist, Dr. John Dee, under the patronage of Emperor Rudolf II. By the 1930′s the manuscript had fallen into the hands of the hands of the German Thule Society from whose possession Himmler ordered it confiscated.
Turned over to the Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Society known as the Ahnenerbe Forschungs-und Lehrgemeinschaft for translation, the task of deciphering the Old Irish text fell upon a young German linguist named Heinrich Thorensen who was assigned by the Ahnenerbe to translate the ancient Gaelic text into German.

Deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess
The Nazi’s interest in the Lebor Feasa Runda stemmed from the fact that the text mentions a mysterious island called Tir nan’Og that once existed in the Atlantic Ocean and was considered to be the realm of the Celtic gods, which the Nazis believed to be the equivalent of Thule, an island that they considered to be the original homeland of the Aryan race.

The Lebor Feasa Runda also mentions four great treasures possessed by the Celtic gods which were believed to weild amazing powers. Convinced that these mystical objects were the equivalents of such legendary artifacts as the Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny, the Stone of Scone and the Sword Excalibur; Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler sent the Ahnenerbe across the continent of Europe on a scavenger hunt to acquire these renowned treasures.

There has been much written about the mysterious ‘secret’ Antarctic underground base, the Ahnenerbe Society, the ‘Thule Society’ and Hitler’s UFOs.
The manuscript containing the Lebor Feasa Runda mysteriously disappeared from the Ahnenerbe archives on May 10th, 1941, the date Rudolf Hess made his solo flight to Scotland with the intention of conducting a secret meeting with the Duke of Hamilton and other high-ranking British aristocrats to discuss peace negotiations between Germany and Britain. The meeting was to have taken place at Dungavel House, the country estate of the Duke of Hamilton, but Hess was unable to locate the private landing strip at Dungavel in the dark of night and was forced to bail out of his unarmed aircraft when it ran out of fuel.

Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon
Parachuting from his plane, Hess injured his ankle on impact and was quickly apprehended and taken into custody by a local guard unit. Among those who had seen the items removed from Hess was a young man by the name of John Paterson, who recalled that Hess had been carrying a very old book of some sort that looked to be an ancient manuscript which Hess said he had intended to present to the Duke of Hamilton as a gift of goodwill.
No meeting between Hess and the Duke was to take place however; within a few days Hess was sent by rail to London by order of British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, who had Hess detained as a prisoner for the duration of the war.
The items confiscated from Hess were turned over to the British Secret Service and were kept in a sealed file after the war, but when the file’s seal was found broken in 1991, the contents of the file were missing.
Here is the copy of Henry Thorenson’s unpublished German translation of the Lebor Feasa Runda that his widow Evelyn provided to Steven L. Akins, allowing him to translate this mysterious text of Irish origin into English; at long last making the beliefs and teachings of the Celtic Druids available to readers throughout the world for the first time in centuries.
English translation of the ancient Irish text
known as the Lebor Feasa Rúnda (Book of Secret Knowledge)

The video below discusses the Ahnenerbe Society: the most mysterious organization of the Third Reich and their involvement in developing of UFOs and Hitler’s obsession to disclose the secrets of the Antarctic, after a map (Piri Reis Map – The map showed the area before it was covered in ice, 300 years before it’s discovery) was discovered serendipitously on 9 October 1929, through the philological work of the German theologian, Gustav Adolf Deissmann.

Hitler and Himmler, they put together a team to search the area as shown on the map. They found a cave under the ice with warm water that could easily hide large crafts. Hitler was sure the Antarctic was where the lost continent of Atlantis once was.

A team was deployed to search the area in order to find the ‘Holy Cup’. Hitler already had possession of the ‘Holy Spear’, and the legend was that if he could get the ‘Holy Cup’, he could have world power. He was sure he would find the ‘Holy Cup’ there.

Furthermore, as a result of Hitler’s interest in the paranormal, he, Himmler and the Ahnenerbe formed an elite group of scientists to study the paranormal to make contact with unknown beings. But they didn’t realize that contact with aliens already been done in 1919 by secret ‘Thule Society’ members (See: Vril and the alien woman). They found or received some documents that told how to build a flying disc that would take them into space using unconventional means.

They finally built it, but it needed a special engine. This is when they brought in Victor Schauberger. He built it 5 years later.

At the end of the War, probably they have used the cave as a secret ‘UFO’ base with the intention to keep their secret UFO technology, but when the U.S. found out about this, they sent their ships to investigate the area too.

When they got close, a large disc-shaped craft came up from the water and passed by them so fast it bent one of the antennas on the ship, and was gone in the blink of an eye. It sent down a ray and blew up a ship after that, so the fleet turned around.

The video show authentic video images, many of you will recognize the images, but some questions remain, what happened with the secret base, the people involved and the Third Reich UFOs at the base? Extraterrestrial beings were involved in the development of the Third Reich UFOs and the ‘Third Reich Alien Technology’ is what we see in our sky today?

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