Sunday 15 June 2014




Are there True Giants on the Solomons? It would appear that from the people there who are newly communicating what they have known for years, yes.

According to very numerous local reports, surviving giants live inside the rainforest jungle mountain ranges of Guadalcanal. They have vast cave systems running the length of the entire island.
Australian Boirayon who lived and worked in the Solomons as a helicopter pilot and engineer, ended up marrying a Solomon Islander. He grew to know and appreciate the culture, the folklore, and the day-to-day interaction between the natural history of the area and the people living there. Before long, he began hearing about the stories of the giants.

Boirayon first chronicles the information he was gathering from the natives, of whom his wife is one, from the Solomons. He came to know that there were giants on islands, one that was large, over 10 foot tall, with evidence that supports that the giants do grow much taller than that. These Guadalcanal Giants, as he calls them, have very long black, brown or reddish hair, protruding double eyebrows, bludging red eyeballs, flat noses, and wide gapped mouth facial features.

An underground city

Residents of Guadalcanal Island also believe there is a huge city of them underneath the big mountains of the island. Boirayon, writing in the August-September issue of Nexus magazine, asserts that Mount Tattiva is definitely one of this city’s main entrances; and that if anyone ever wished to film these giants, the villages closest to this mountain are a good starting point. He states that they are seen regularly by the village folk in this region.

But this is by no means the only location. They are seen in many other places throughout this large island – and on a daily basis somewhere on the island.

The Solomons, to which Guadalcanal belongs, are frequently termed “The Place That Time Forgot”.

Underground lighting system

At times, local people have been captured and released. They report that inside the mountains there exists a lighting system that has no obvious source of light, such as lamps or bulbs.

 Giant artefacts

Throughout both Guadalcanal and Malaita, there are reportedly hundreds of caves containing giant artefacts.

 15 foot skeleton

One credible witness to these is a once Prime Minister and the previous Guadalcanal Premier, Ezekiel Alebua. He recalls that when he was a child his father took him to a burial cave in east Guadalcanal. Inside was a complete skeleton that must be around 15 feet in length.

To the local population on Guadalcanal, giants are common knowledge. Interaction with giants has been frequent through their history. The giant’s territory is a 1,000 square kilometre area of mountains covered in tropical jungle west of Mount Popomanaseu.

Local tribes, not only in Guadalcanal, but in most parts of the Solomon Islands have recorded a tumultuous historical relationship with the giants. The area is rich in memories of such encounters.
Giants allegedly still survive on Santa Isabel Island. Although they are fewer in number than on Guadalcanal, there are two areas where they live. Any local person is able to steer you in the right direction.

Another of the Solomon Islands is Choiseul. The island of Choiseul is not small. Some 300 kilometres long by 80 kilometres wide, it numerous villages. But there is one large area of its interior where no village exists. And apparently with good reason…living giants.

 8 foot-long femur bone

Boirayon’s wife comes from a place called Kwaio. In the Kwara’ee region, north of there, is a large burial place scattered with giant skeletons. They lie over the ground. In a nearby village stands a hut, one of whose main support poles is a human femur bone nearly 8 feet long!



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