Friday 4 July 2014

Nada Brahma - The Sound Of Creation : SACRED PORTALS to ANOTHER REALITY

Plato told us that the world around us was made of geometry, Platonic Solids where shapes and triangles are transformed into frequencies …  the world around us is created by sound. Nada Brahma – The Sound Of God. And with that we arive at the beautiful ‘Islamic Geometry‘, but what do they mean. Is this just ‘a piece of art’ of people who had nothing better to do than making art? Maybe the same ‘art’ as found in ‘Rosslyn Chappel’…? Just art and nothing more…? 


The Rosslyn Frequency :




Islamic Geometry

Crop circles, flowers, Water Sound Images, Plato’s Solids, Rosslyn Cubes, all pointing to a direction which ancient people already knew: the power of sound. Before hopping over to the South African Stone Circles, we have a look in Fez, Marocco at some beautifull Islamic Patters. All these patters are made of a combination of 4-, 5-, and 6-fold geometry. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. A circle diveded into 4, 5 of 6 parts and with that you have all you need to draw Islamic Geometric patterns


Cymatics similarity to the Rosslyn cubes
‘This video presentation is an interesting comparison made between the patterns produced by certain pitches and frequencies in Cymatics and the symbols on the faces of the cubes. The note of the pitch can be heard in the voices of the choir as it merges with the pitch of the cymatics demonstration. If you listen closely to the pitch of the oscillator (humming the pitch to yourself) you will hear the first note of the choir and its relevant cube, are the same’.

The Rosslyn Stave Angel – Music Cipher

Rosslyn’s ‘Lady Chapel’ is (basically) a 15th Century “CD” and using an ancient/natural way of recording sequences of pitch/frequencies. We call this system today ‘Cymatics’ also known as ‘Chladni Patterns’. Cymatics is natures “resonant notational system’, a music system and language that visually display’s the frequency of pitch in amazing geometric patterns and are inherent in the fabric of nature. All produced using very simple apparatus and materials.

The designers appear to have applied this formula to record the music in stone carvings and we have translated the frequencies employing this formula to Rosslyn Chapel’s cubic, carved patterns.

There is also an angel/music cipher that points out 3 notes of the music to The Rosslyn Motet accounting for 70% of the entire cube sequence. It is so subtle a decoy that you are supposed to think it is a musician playing a Harp or Psaltery, but when you look in detail, he is actually pointing strategically at 3 different lines and spaces of a stave of music. Referring to the first 3 cubes rising above his head.


It’s All The Same

And it is: everything around us is made out of the same weird stuff: sound, frequencies. And our voices are also sound. From 20 to 20.000 Hz we can hear, below of above that we can not hear anything. But that does not mean that there is no sound when we hear nothing… Same as the high frequencies measured in stone- and crop circles: ‘they’ are there, measured but we can not hear them. And we learned that if we can not hear sound, it is does not exists… Yeah, right…:)
‘Is Sound Creating…?’ so far, I guess there is an amount of evidence that indeed sound is creating everything around us. Nada Brahma. The Voice Of God.
A ‘Uni-Verse’ (One Song) created by sound, by OMMM whatever.
It is all the same.
And crop circles are created by sound.

Crop Circles and Sacred Geometry



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