Wednesday 13 August 2014


Yesterday, one of my friends posted this link on my video: It’s part of a Red Ice interview with John Lash, a proponent of Gnosticism. He cited a source that claimed the Abrahamic religions were/are Archon controlled. Archon is the Gnostic term for demons, jinn, demiurge, etc. Archons are the source of malevolence or evil. I was fascinated at one point in my life with Gnostic teachings, just as I was at an earlier point with Fundamentalist Christianity. Today, I look at them both of them as ego driven philosophies that propagate what I see as a closed system. They speak in terms of absolutes, claiming that they alone know the truth and others are in error. These philosophies, based on a know-it-all attitude, are themselves polarizing, and therefore evil by their very nature. While ego development is part of our evolution, if we stay stuck in that adolescent stage, we will continue to experience our lives and a world where we are our own worst enemy.

Dear Ron
What about the “Rizq Treaty” or “Treaty of Rizq” ? Appears to be an anunaki treaty that the Qinq dyansty uses to justify their claim they own all gold on the Earth and all the Human beings on the earth. The Quing Empress admitted she’s from planet Rizq in Orion. The slave system goes up multiple densities, as the Galactics now know. Always using foreigners to represent them & do their dirty job everywhere, because of their wealth, always behind the curtains. Sounds like they want to keep it that way while promoting they are creating a New Age of enlightenment for humanity. Ask the “Old Man”, is he free to exposing it all without repercussions ? Shit will fly. GNOSTIC SABOTAGE is an age old ruse ... poor old Sophia Gaia.
Namaste Hatter


  1. This dude in the video if full of BS, I don't understand how you give him credit

    1. I don't disagree but it's good for people to make up their own minds maybe ?
