Friday 24 October 2014

INES RADMAN: Ask let go let the Universe Provide


From Croatia With Love


I noticed that that primary contradictions presented by many whom consider themselves as lightworkers, is the idea that they have a greater ‘awareness’ while oddly this ‘greater’ awareness doesn’t notice the basic contradictions that are often presented in the new Cage material itself. 

One group of lightworkers define the “council of nine’ as a wonderful set of spiritual beings while another group will say they are demons whose aim is to control humanity.

How does hijacking a plane filled with people and taking them to Hollow Earth and not disclosing this fact to humanity or at the very least their families, justify this act as an act of supreme love? 

They (Ashtar and Sananda) claim they cannot disclose this yet because humanity is not ready for it. Well, did these lightworkers that actually believe this bullshit ask Sananda how long they intend on holding them? 
Well, Kathryn E. May’s father god says: “Don’t worry about them, they are having a grand time in higher dimensions”. 
I haven’t heard any of the Lightworkers say yay or nay about this? Why the silence? Why are you afraid to voice your trust or mistrust about this very important issues you are being totally brainwashed with? By staying silent they are actually approving of the kidnapping if you can actually even accept that story. 

Lightworkers shun from negativity and live in fear of lowering their frequencies. Silly people, don’t they know they/WE ARE the Light and none of us need to work on raising our frequencies, but they are taught (they actually believe this) that in order to get to Heaven (Ascend) they must meditate and stay away from things/people that might lower their frequencies. 

Do not call me a lightworker, it’s an insult to my Light, the Divine Light that we ALL are doesn’t need names or terms to “separate”us from the opposite. 

I can’t be sure who coined the phrase “lightworker”but have read on several forums Doreen Virtue created the avatar in her book published in 1997 The Lightworker. 

Dorren Virtue defines a lightworker: “If you feel called to heal others, want to resolve the world’s social and environmental problems; believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation; feel compelled to write; teach, or counsel others; and know that you are here for a higher purpose”. 

I have all the qualities listed above, but that doesn’t make me anything, other than a human desiring to learn and become better at being human, those are innate qualities of all humans that strive to use this life as a learning place. 

The qualities above really define the ideal human and if we strived towards them we would not be in the condition we are today. But this can also be transcribed as if you light playing with fire that means you’re a fireman, or if you like placing bandages on wounds that makes you a doctor. 
It doesn’t mean anything actually, it is just someone else’s interpretation of what a lightworker is, a term, nothing more or less.
These are the facts, do your own research ……… 




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